Friends and Family,
In the sweltering heat of July 2022, I found myself in the middle of the Chiang Mai zoo, surrounded by 18 beautiful orphan girls. I had been invited by Fai Chatchayaladasiri, a successful businesswoman and university professor, to join them on a sponsored day trip outside of their local children's home.
As I rounded the corner, the girls greeted me in unison with a traditional Thai greeting, "Swadee Ka." My heart was overflowing with emotions, and I couldn't help but wonder about their stories and the circumstances that brought them to the children's home. I was in awe of the guardians ability to care for and support these children, despite the challenges they faced.
As we journeyed through the zoo, I was unable to process my thoughts, questions and emotions as they collided all at once. I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted to do more to help these children in any way. It was then that I decided to make a donation of 100,000 THB right there between the orangutan’s and the Long-tailed macaque’s (monkeys).
However, my journey was far from over. Witnessing the potential of these children and recognizing the positive impact that even a small donation could make, I was inspired to create something greater. It was then that we founded the Kostro Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and opportunities to children in need, with a special focus on education and offering scholarships to disadvantaged children.
Just like the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly through sheer force of will and determination, my experience with the orphan girls at the zoo inspired me to take action and make a difference in the lives of over a dozen communities and a handful of orphanages in Northern Thailand. I refused to accept the notion that these children were simply discarded or below average, and I recognized their immense potential to achieve greatness with the right support, guidance and opportunities.
Just as the caterpillar must be willing to suffer and undergo a painful process of breaking, mending, and shaping to become a butterfly, I knew that I too would have to make sacrifices and work tirelessly to create a foundation that could truly make a difference in the lives of these children. And just as the butterfly serves as a beacon of hope, our foundation aims to provide hope and opportunities for a brighter future to those in need, inspiring them to become the best versions of themselves.
As Buckminster Fuller once said, “there is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it is going to be a butterfly”, and this speaks to the human condition. The truth is that when you turn inward, there is no sign or glimmer or inherent gift that tells you what your birthright is. You are simply born hopelessly average, no better than anyone who came before you or anyone who will come after you. However, every one of us has the potential to become something more. The question you must answer with your life is what you will do with that potential. Will you work tirelessly to improve yourself and your skills? Will you strive to become so good that you can play alongside the greats and inspire others? Will you be the excuse that others use not to try, or will you push yourself to be so good that people refuse to believe they can achieve what you have?
Together, we can transform lives, just like the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Join us on this journey, and let's make a difference together. Jimmy Kostro
The Kostro Foundation
